You may be entitled to receive a payment from the MCI Fair Fund arising out of In the Matter of Moors & Cabot, Inc. (“Moors & Cabot, Inc.” or “Company”), United States Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Administrative Proceeding File No. 3-21282.

The allegations relate to the Company’s alleged failure to disclose conflicts of interest with respect to revenue sharing payments and financial incentives received from two unaffiliated clearing brokers between February 2017 and September 2021. According to the SEC, the Company did not adequately disclose the revenue sharing payments and financial incentive arrangements in adequate detail to its advisory clients. Importantly, the Company neither admitted nor denied the SEC findings.

The Company settled to avoid the cost of protracted litigation and to provide certainty for its clients and employees. As this was a legacy disclosure matter under prior ownership, settling this matter allowed the Company to move forward with the recent sale to Eighteen Ninety Partners LLC and move forward with the best interests of the Company’s clients in mind.